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Vô-Vi Meditation Method

After practicing the basic exercises for the first 6 months, you will be ready to begin meditating. Please proceed to the advanced exercises in the following order:

The best hours to practice the meditation exercises are between 11:00 pm and 1:00 am local time (Hour of the Rat). Avoid practicing meditation between 3:00 pm and 9:00 pm local time. Sit facing Southward according to the sitting position described in the section "The First 6 Months". Turn all lights off.

1. Making A Spiritual Commitment

The practice session starts with making a spiritual commitment.

  • Siting down, facing southward, with backbone straight and legs folded in one of the positions mentioned previously.
  • In a natural and relaxed position, let the tip of your tongue lightly touch the line between your upper gum and your front teeth. Keep the mouth closed. In a natural and relaxed position, keep your eyes closed, and focus forward from the center point between your eyebrows.
  • Keep the palms of your hands fully touching each other, in prayer position, at chest level. (Keep your hands pointed upward. Do not point your hands horizontally or into your chin).
  • Focusing your mind at the top of your head, mentally repeat the following mantras:

Nam Mo A Di Da Phat (3 times)
[nahm moh ah yee dah fut ]

Repeat 2 times:

Nam Mo Tay Phuong Cuc Lac The Gioi Quan The Am Bo Tat
[nahm moh taay phu-ung kuk lakh the zuh/oy kwan the ahm boh that ]
(Pure Divine Energy of Compassion)

Nam Mo Long Hoa Giao Chu Di Lac
[nahm mo laumng hua zao chuu zi lakh ]
(Pure Divine Energy of Serenity)

I am (use your name). Please accept my sincere promise to pursue the spiritual path to reach enlightenment and liberation of my soul.

Next mentally repeat the following phrases 1 time:

From now on, I will strive to:

  • Quy Y Phat [Kwi ee fut] (Return to my true nature of serenity)
  • Quy Y Phap [Kwi ee fap] (Return to my true nature of spiritual energy)
  • Quy Y Tang [Kwi ee tang] (Return to my true nature of my duties toward my fellow beings, Heaven and Earth)
  • Nam Mo A Di Da Phat [nahm moh ah yee dah fut]
  • May Peace be with all creatures

Then bow 3 times with your hands. Keep your spine straight, not bowing.

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After the Spiritual Commitment, continue with the exercise of Concentration of Spiritual Energy as follows:

  1. Slowly bring up your folded arms to shoulder level, pulled back and at right angle with your backbone. Using the tip of your thumbs, plug your ear completely.
  2. Put the tip of your index fingers lightly on your temple at the hairline.
  3. Using the tips of your middle fingers, press lightly on the bone at the ends of your eyes then lightly pull away to close your eyelids completely. Fold your remaining fingers inside your palms.

During this exercise, constantly keep the following position:

Sitting down. Facing southward. With legs folded in one of the positions mentioned previously. The backbone straight, the tip of the tongue lightly touching the line between your gum and your front teeth; the mouth closed. The eyes closed, looking straight ahead of you from the center point between the eyebrows, and breathing normally. Mentally say to yourself:

Hold this position for at least five minutes to a maximum of fifteen minutes.


  • Beginners may hear buzzing sounds in their ears. After practicing for a longer period of time, you will no longer hear these sounds in your head.
  • Concentration of Spiritual Energy (Soi Hon):
    Soi means to search for, Hon means lucidity and serenity. This exercise of concentration of spiritual energy is a method to restore our lucidity and serenity. According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, this exercise will restore balance to the brain and nervous system.
  • While doing this exercise, if your mind should start getting cluttered with thoughts and worries, practice the silent invocation of the mantra Nam Mo A Di Da Phat to gradually move away from these and focus again on the exercise.
  • In order to correctly identify the location at the temple area where your forefingers should press down at the hairline, lightly bite your jaws together. You will feel a point at the hairline where the temple muscle slightly moves as your jaws bite down; that point is the correct point to press down with the tip of your forefingers.


"No religion on earth has yet practiced this concentration of spiritual energy that permits the central point on the top of your head or the cranial psychic center to be developed and the vibrations to evolve into infinity…
When you raise your elbows level with your shoulders, all the corresponding nerves of the lung, heart, etc… are activated, causing you to perspire.
At the beginning, when closing your ears by inserting your thumbs into your earholes, you'll hear a lot of buzzing sounds inside your head. In time, you will not hear them anymore and will start to feel serene. During daily activities, we expend a lot of our energy to earn a living, thus we experience mental stress that harms our nervous system. So, after work, we can do this exercise at home to strengthen the energy frequency of our mind and recuperate the energy lost through the day. When using the thumbs to close your ears, you are converging the energy to the head and concentrating it on the point between your eyebrows. Your forefingers and middle fingers above your temples and at the outside ends of the eyes are also doing the same function of transmitting energy to the center point between the eyebrows. When you are capable of concentrating your energy, it will proceed to the correct middle path, which leads you directly to the universal central power of vital energy. At that time, your mind will become more and more at ease.
It is recommended that beginners practice this exercise for at least 6 months to strengthen their mind. We have absorbed too much impurity due to agitation; therefore, we have to first correct and purify our mind. For beginners, there is no specific time required to practice. Whenever you have any spare time, you may practice this concentration of spiritual energy to calm yourself and eliminate unnecessary agitation of this current life…"

(Mr Luong-Si-Hang, Extract from the Practice of the Vo-Vi Meditation Method, Culver City, July 1982)

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After the Concentration of Spiritual Energy, continue with the Cyclical Breathing Without Retention as follows:

  • Keeping the same sitting position, slowly lower your arms. Place your palms on your thighs, and your arms against your side ribs. The backbone straight, the tip of the tongue lightly touching the line between your gum and your front teeth; the mouth closed. The eyes closed, looking straight ahead of you from the center point between the eyebrows, and concentrating the energy on the top of the head.
  • Inhale and exhale through the nose, breathe in a relaxed, rhythmic and continuous way. Avoid using your mind to track your breathing.
  • Slowly exhale while pressing your abdomen inward to squeeze out every last bit of air.
  • Then slowly inhale while pushing your abdomen well outward. When you can no longer inhale, slowly exhale while pressing your abdomen inward. During the inhalation, say to yourself: "Fill up the navel, fill up the chest, up to the head". This is a given order of your mind to trace out the path of flowing energy that will be cleared up with time of training. Repeat this order at each inhalation. One full inhalation-exhalation using Abdominal Breathing forms one breath cycle.

  • Do continuously this Cyclical Breathing of Non-Retention from 6 to 12 breath cycles.


" When you inhale, you should give order to your mind: "Fill up the navel, fill up the chest, up to the head." When filling up the navel, push the abdomen outward; when filling up the chest, up to the head, keep pushing the abdomen outward. Only during exhalation, slowly press the abdomen inward. When exhaling, squeeze every last bit of air. Do not keep any air in the abdomen. It should be completely flat. Why do we need to exhale until the abdomen is completely pressed inward? When you exhale and press the abdomen inward, the kidney is pressed inward, you cleanse the impure energy, which will be released through urination. After the abdomen is completely pressed inward at the end of exhalation, slowly start to inhale again…

… The Cyclical Breathing Without Retention will unblock all internal meridians, so that the energy flows freely and one would eventually attain enlightenment. The Cyclical Breathing Without Retention will enlighten the consciousness… When we practice the cyclical breathing without retention, our energy will fuse into one with the cosmic universe, and be reflected from the interior. Only then will we be able to see our original potential, and we will also clearly see our own original nature.

We must practice to assert the truth, we practice to see, and we will develop all our potential talent such as knowledge and special skills. Regardless of our profession, when we practice the Cyclical Breathing Without Retention, our mind will be full of strength, we will work happily, and we will love and feel affection for all living creatures. When we understand ourselves clearly, and understand clearly everything, we will see that the cosmic universe is not afar. Our micro-universe will evolve toward infinity, and our soul is eternal. Therefore, young people should know how to correct themselves and restore order, so that they would have a tranquil and happy life on earth. They would build their planet earth, which is their own body. Our homeland is our body. If you restore order and return to your homeland with lucidity, your homeland will be in your control. Eventually, all of us should spend efforts to practice and restore order to ourselves, and we should utilize our existing potential to return to serenity and lucidity. At that time, the human community will truly be liberated from suffering. I hope that everyone will understand and practice to verify on their own, and they will clearly understand my words about this spiritual method."

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After completing the Cyclical Breathing Without Retention, continue with the practice of Meditative Contemplation.

  • Sitting position and hand position are the same as during the Cyclical Breathing exercise.

  • The backbone straight, the tip of the tongue lightly touching the line between your gum and your front teeth; the mouth closed. Arms against your side ribs, placing palms on thighs. The eyes closed, looking straight ahead of you from the center point between the eyebrows.

Mentally say to yourself:"I exert soul ascension to pay homage to Buddha". Briefly concentrate on the top of the head, then look straight ahead at the middle point between the eyebrows, relax the mind, try to remain quiet. Sit at this position as long as your body allows.

* Beginners should place the palms on their thighs

* Advanced practitioners can do the Samadhi-Mudra Seal

  • During the meditative contemplation, if you feel itchiness, numbness, or have agitated thoughts, silently invoke the mantra Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat on the top of your head.


" Meditative contemplation is quietude and sublimation. Pure energy will be elevated, while impure energy will be eliminated. Pure energy is related to the energy frequency of the head. Therefore, keep your mind free from any distraction, so that the pure energy can elevate to infinity, while the impure energy will be filtered out.

During meditative contemplation, just silently invoke Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat [nahm moh ah yee dah fut] if you feel itchy or numb. Be determined to overcome those two states of itching or numbness generating from the impure energy of carnal desires, which are the cause of lust and cruelty. The advanced practitioners may hold their hands with fingers crossed in the position of the Samadhi-mudra seal. The more your practice the meditative contemplation, the better it will be. During the meditative contemplation, those who have sensed the energy vibrating from the top of their head may fall into sleep in the sitting position. The lighter the vibrations are on the top of your head, the easier you will fall into sleep. You may go into sleep, and yet remain awake; you are still aware of everything around you, while focusing at the frontal psychic center. Through that frontal psychic center, you can experience clearly every vision of the spiritual world. If you practice properly, you will feel happy, but if you do not meditate correctly, you will feel unhappy.

If during the meditative contemplation, your body keeps moving or turning around, then it is because you have absorbed impure energy and it has not been completely purged. It shows that your Cyclical Breathing of Non-Retention has not reached the proper level to eliminate impurity. Your nervous system was disturbed, which causes your body to move. In such cases, stop the meditative contemplation immediately, and practice often the Lying Down Abdominal Breathing until you can eliminate the impure energy to clear away the impure blockage in the meridians. Once all impure energy in the body is cleared, you will be quiet and can practice the meditative contemplation. During the meditation session, remain calm and keep your spine straight. That posture will help your energy to be sublimated and harmonized with the pure energy above for study purposes. At completion, that energy is drawn back, causing your head to feel heavy and shake a little bit. Proceed with the post-meditation massage."


Advanced practitioners who sense spiritual energy will automatically cross their fingers to form Samadhi-mudra seal instead of placing the palms on their thighs during the practice of the Cyclical Breathing Without Retention or the Meditative Contemplation.

How To Form The Samadhi-Mudra Seal For Advanced Practitioners

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5. Post-Meditation Massage

After the Meditative Contemplation, proceed with the Post-Meditation massage to draw energy back to your body as follows:

1. Rub your hands together to warm them (while rubbing your hands, the fingers must point upward).

2. Cover your nose with your palms, and rub your face.

3. Slowly raise both hands to your head.

4. Cover your head with your palms to draw energy back to your body.

5. Slide your hands along the side of your head.

6. Use your thumb and forefinger to pull down your earlobes a few times.

Repeat the movements (2 to 6) 2 times. You should rub your face like this 3 times.

7. Rub your hands together to warm them.

8. Massage your arms to regulate the blood circulation from shoulder down to wrist, and then apply acupressure at the outside ends of your palms. Do this 3 times on each arm.

9. Again, rub your hands together to warm them.

10. Massage your legs from thighs down to feet with your palms. Do this 3 times on each leg.

11. Finally, hold the soles of your feet together with your hands, and then rub them together 50 times.

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