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International Conference 1984

Vo-Vi Congress 1984
Paris, France


Strolling leisurely in the heavenly paradise,
We blend into the lightness and purity, and proudly show our beautiful rosy cheeks,
With equanimity and serenity, we will return to our origin,
Praying with a sincere heart, our soul is deeply set in trance.

Continuously, we purify ourselves and return to tranquility,
Reaching peace, freshness, and beauty, we bring our soul back to the celestial homeland,
With a calm heart, we remember our pure homeland,
When our true soul awakens, peace and happiness abound everywhere.

We will never forget our words and thoughts when expressing the great vow,
With love and openness, we train and perfect ourselves spiritually with perseverance,
Folding our hands, we turn to the World Above with our open heart,
Loving all creatures, we guide and help them so that one day, they may awaken their consciousness,

The music of love seduces us with the supernatural sounds,
Our pure and detached soul will seek the path on its own,
Strolling leisurely in pureness and detachment, we will advance in harmony,
Through the cycle of constant transformations, we rejoice ourselves because of our compassionate love.

The thousands of sentient beings vibrate and transform themselves to build a fine example,
They guide the soul in its spiritual evolution, finding support in the worldly affairs,
Caressing joyfully our spiritual hair,
We evolve toward pureness and detachment, and rejoice with God’s love,

With equanimity, we feel peace naturally,
Resolute to awaken ourselves and to cleanse our nature to attain purity,
On earth, we sow karmic debts through romantic relations,
Evolving through social and spiritual life, we form the principle of truth.

The Almighty Lord grants us the Light,
To guide humans to return to emptiness with their own efforts,
The changes around us teach us to return to emptiness,
Let us transform ourselves in social and spiritual life,
By meditating together to awaken our consciousness.

 (Translated March 2005)