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International Conference 1985

Vo-Vi Congress 1985
Long Beach, California, USA


At the Congress, we rejoice together as defenders of harmony,
Devoting ourselves to meditative contemplation within serenity, we think of the love of our Divine Father,
Returning to the source of spirituality, our heart is pure and detached,
Devoting ourselves to spiritual training, we unblock ourselves and surmount the difficulties on our own.

Surmounting the adverse circumstances, we learn harmony,
Those who practice love and forgiveness are truly sage people,
With equanimity and serenity, we turn within to discuss with ourselves,
The transformations of our microcosm open a new era for spiritual awakening.

Through spiritual practice, we awaken our consciousness and hear the pure celestial sound,
In emptiness, there is existence, and we should seek the spiritual path by ourselves,
The Divine Father has pre-arranged everything with majesty,
When we practice the dharma and awaken our consciousness, we will feel peace.

Moving from social to spiritual life,
We attain equilibrium and self-awakening, and succeed in projecting our inner light,
Compassionate love knits together brothers and sisters,
We practice together and advance together through the cycle of deaths and rebirths.

Examining ourselves again, we will reach the sublime level,
Taking refuge in the true dharma, we will attain awakening in many areas,
The divine truth is extremely deep and sublime,
As we learn infinitely, we will understand and perceive infinitely.

Only through spiritual practice will we understand God’s true love,
The Divine Father grants us the spiritual flavor so that our souls may harmonize with each other,
On our own, we should practice with sincerity,
Returning to emptiness, we achieve results and clearly comprehend the Divine Father in heaven.
The earthly world is full of words and argumentation,
We should practice within suffering and detach ourselves from fights and rivalries.

 (Translated March 2005)