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International Conference 1989

Vo-Vi Congress 1989
Oroville, California


The Assembly “Dragon-Clouds” unites us under one roof,
The Assembly “Dragon-Flowers” will judge our feelings toward ourselves and others,
Reunited, we are happy and smile to each other,
With a calm heart, we turn to the World Above and build a peaceful place.

The Assembly greets practitioners with compassionate love and meritorious work,
Spiritual adepts are reunited and enter the interior gates,
Practicing love with a steady heart and mind,
We release our karma and strive to return to our spiritual homeland with emptiness (Hai-Khong** = Non-being = Two zeroes = emptiness  on the material plane and emptiness on the spiritual plane)

In the era of unity, we should release our blindness,
Returning to our true nature, we will gain peace and happiness in all aspects.
We practice with our efforts and our money for further spiritual education,
With emptiness (Hai-Khong), we will enjoy peace and happiness in social and spiritual life….